Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cold Reading VS Intuition

I’ve been questioned on how I do readings, and if I use “cold reading” techniques, and what is intuition. I wrote the following short essay to answer some of the questions last year, and thought that I should post it here in case anyone else would like my thoughts on these topics.

As an intuitive reader, I use no conscious methods of gaining information from the person I'm reading. No conscious use of cold reading techniques, no gimmicks, no gaffs. If I'm reading tarot, I read the cards. Some aspects of the cards will be more apparent during the reading and will impact the way I read the cards for that sitter.

I've been very careful about my wording here.

It is possible that at a subconscious level, I'm gaining information and it is affecting my conscious mind and the reading. For this explanation I used the word "intuition." We have all intuitively felt when a friend or loved one was in a bad mood, even if they do not say a word. This could be that we are unconsciously picking up on the way they walk, look, act, and subconsciously put this together. This could be a part of intuition.

Some people are more intuitive than others. It could be that they are just more sensitive to what is around them.

In the case of reading, a fake reader is one who makes a mental effort to ascertain information and slant the reading based on this information; where as a true reader makes no such conscious mental effort.

Most true readers are born, but a true reader can be made. Given enough time and readings, a fake reader can move from consciously collecting information and progress to the intuitive category.

This may satisfy some on both sides of the psychic/intuitive aisle, and upset some on both sides as well.

This is just my opinion.