Sunday, August 20, 2006

Astral Travel, Workshops, and Tools for Life

On an Internet forum, the topic of Astral Travel was brought up. Questions were raised on workshops, are they worth it, are they ethical, and can it really be taught? Here is my response to those questions. I thought this might make a fitting entry to this blog which has not had a post in some time.

Starting in the 1970s, I attended many seminars and classes. At that point I was well versed in meditation through 10 years of martial arts training, and had been practicing self hypnosis techniques for 5 years. (It is my belief that these two techniques, meditation and self-hypnosis, go hand in hand and eventually bring you to the same place).

I had been reading and studying up of EST and TM for about 6 months when my boss's wife gave me a few books by Paul Twitchell. I devoured these books and worked the techniques discussed into my current :"medi-hyp" sessions. A few months latter, she invited me to attend some training sessions. This is the reason I am broaching this topic. The training sessions were on, for a non-religious term, astral-projection (although they have a different term for it, Soul Travel). My belief is that many of the people there achieved a lot from the training. most of the attendees were nervous and stressed on the first night, but by the third night, all that remained had found their centers and were much calmer. I have doubts as to whether they achieved their desired goal, but they did receive benefits, and were provided with a set of tools that might lead them to the goal, eventually.

Over the next thirty years, I have attended many other classes and workshops. Some with religious overtones, others without. They all provided the same essential tools and advice. I don't know how many of them reached their goal, but I do know that it is possible. I don't know how many of those teachers had actually been able to do what they were teaching, but I know that the tools they provided work.

The points: Some subjects cannot be taught, but the basic tools can. You don't need Rembrandt to teach you how to hold a brush.


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